Tοπία Eλιάς (Greece, 2001)


One channel video projection with ambient sound.

Duration 16min

English subtitles



12 people narrate their relationship with the olive tree.
The contour of the tree emerges from their storytelling.

12 persone raccontano il loro rapporto con l’ulivo.
Il contorno dell’albero emerge dalle loro narrazioni.

12 personnes racontent leur rapport avec l’olivier.
Le contour de cet arbre émerge de leurs narrations.

Production & Distribution



Cultural center KETHEA-Diavasi (Athens, Greece, June 2001)
curated by Xanthi Tsolti.

Mediterrenean Olive Grove (Chania, Greece, July 2009)
curated by Ioannis Archontakis 

The BIOL prize commission (Bari, Italy, April 2010)
curated by RECIDIVI la rete del Cinema e dell’Audiovisivo.